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Hi there
I’m Shelbey

Since 1994, I have been involved in education in some form, often experimenting with ways to integrate technology. My field of study was writing and literature. My horizons have expanded well beyond that. I make NO claims whatsoever to be an expert on any of this; who really is? Most of us in education have not been part of the emergence of this technology since it hasn't been part of our field or our daily lives...until now.


But AI is being used as a tool-- or set of tools-- in so many fields, and I am trying to understand its pitfalls and potential. My blog project is an attempt to do this throughout the first half of 2023.


I am also available to work with you on writing, editing, speaking, and learning projects. 



Bachelor's Degree in English

Aug 1990 - May 1994

At the University of Florida, I studied English Language & Literature. I was involved in a range of activities from a social sorority to a campus organization that hosted concerts. 

Master's Degree in English

August 1994 - May 1996

At the University of Florida, I taught freshman composition and literature courses while pursuing graduate work. We had also received a grant to develop networked classrooms, and I had the opportunity to experiment with the Web, hypertext, HTML site building, and other emerging technologies.

Graduate Certificate in STEM Education

August 1994 - May 1996

I pursued this certificate through a partnership program between the American Museum of Natural History and Bridgewater State University. It was an entirely online pursuit, and a fascinating look at how one can be run.

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